[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ5 Pixel days 5: Days of online flea market

作品名:[Jp/En]ピクセルデイズ5 Pixel days 5: Days of online flea market
ジャンル:健全, ドット, 擬人化, 人外娘/モンスター娘, ブルマ, ノンフィクション/体験談


どう写真を撮る? 値段はどう決める? 梱包はどうする? はじめての品物は売れるのか? フリマサイトに初挑戦!

 どう写真を撮る? 値段はどう決める? 梱包はどうする? わからないことだらけの中あがく犬たち、はたしてはじめての品物は売れるのか?

 One day, Dog decides to sell an item on online flea market. But the site requires a smartphone to sign up. ….With the help of his first smartphone, Raku Raku Mobile, and yPad, Dog enter the world of online flea market….
 How do I take photos? How to decide the price? How do I pack it? Will the first item sell?
 This is the fifth volume in a series of stories about the author’s daily life with anthropomorphic characters, in pixelart. Maybe it will be helpful for those who are trying to enter online flea market…?



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