乙女ゲームのヒロインを三回イかせないと破滅する部屋に入ってしまった マリア受け追加パッチ(英訳版)


作品名:乙女ゲームのヒロインを三回イかせないと破滅する部屋に入ってしまった マリア受け追加パッチ(英訳版)
ジャンル:ラブラブ/あまあま, 魔法, 純愛, 百合


When Lady Catarina looks at me like it…

One of the Seven Wonders of School, a book of erotic magic named “Story of Desire“.
They got trapped inside that book.
In order to be escaped is to bring Maria to climax three times!?
“A Villainess“ Catarina is passive throughout the story, she has no knowledge of sexual activity.
“A Heroine“ Maria is active in a sexual sense.
She imparted to Catarina plenty of sexual knowledge.
Offense and defense reversed! It’s turn for Catarina to use the knowledge she’s learned!
Here’s a new high in sugar content! The sexual act of Maria and Catarina opens with the reversal of the situation!



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